<aside> ⭐ The Playground is a monthly space for theatre-makers of all kinds to explore, create, and PLAY. Each session is led by theatre-maker with an idea to explore or skill to develop, like:
Think of it like a co-op: someone can be a Player in a clowning workshop one week, and a Leader of their own session teaching songs from Hadestown the next week. We’re all Leaders and we’re all Players.
(Here’s a good biology word for you) It’s SYMBIOTIC 😎
Everyone contributes, everyone wins!
For people starting out in any role in theatre, it can be really tough to get enough experience to get started. You need experience to get experience!
It’s tough to afford ongoing training!
That’s where we come in.
Someone has an idea for a session they want to run, we schedule it, and they’re the Leader. People come and play. They’re the… Players.
This isn’t a “serious teacher who is completely separate from the lowly students” sort of thing. No, we’re all on an equal playing field here — the Leader is helping Players develop their skills, and the Players are doing the same thing for the Leader.
It’s free! For everyone! (Provided we can get a free space. Otherwise it will be a liiiittle bit of money from everyone just to cover that.)
Anyone! Everyone! Could it be you? We invite anyone who has an idea they want to explore to apply to lead a session. We can help facilitate if you’d like some support, or we can be totally hands off if you’re confident and gung-ho. We anticipate Leaders often being directors, writers, and facilitators, and we’re wide open to other ideas!
Do a lot of things? Feel free to run an R&D for one session, and come back and lead an actor-muso improv game for another (or whatever the many things you do are).
<aside> ⭐ If you lead a session, we ask you to continue the cycle and attend at least one other session as a Player (but we bet you’ll want to come to more than one).
<aside> ⭐ ****Making work shouldn’t require funding, or being 18-25 years old. The Playground aims to support working class theatre-makers of all ages.
Actors, musicians, directors, writers, facilitators, and theatre-makers of all kinds! And we encourage wearing many hats. We’re a many-hatted people.
Anyone! Everyone! Could it be you? … but really. Whether you’ve been to drama school or not, all we ask is that you come with an open mind and be willing to play.
These are just a starting point — if you have an idea for something else you’d like to do, please share it with us!
Are you working on a new show and need to just get it in the room? Bring what you have and explore it with actors through improv, exercises, and games in a playful, supportive environment.
Be part of creating a show, explore characters you might not usually get to, practice improvisation skills, and make something new! (And, you know, get to ACT!)
Perfect for aspiring MDs and accompanists — sign up to play for a session and practice sightreading for singers (and other instrumentalists even!) to perform. It will be like playing for auditions, and you can put this on your CV!
Bring 1 or 2 songs you’re working on, and practice performing them for others — with a live accompanist! Work on getting over audition or performance jitters, cheer on your fellow singers, and learn how to communicate with an MD.
Have you been wanting to teach a workshop but just haven’t gotten there yet? Maybe you need more confidence to charge for your work, or maybe it’s a brand-new idea you want to explore first. Consider this a chance to prototype your idea!
All topics welcome — acting technique, music, audition prep, Shakespeare, yoga, voice, yoga AND voice, etc. — we’d love to learn from you! You’ll leave the session with a better understanding of your idea and how to market it, what works and what doesn’t, and testimonials!
Come take class — for free! You’ll receive instruction from up-and-coming teachers, expand your knowledge of acting techniques, and connect with other theatre-makers.